大堂吧  The Lounge Bar  
    大堂吧 The Lounge Bar [ 全屏查看 Fullscreen View ]

大堂吧是您进行社交和商务聚会、悠度午后时光或与朋友休闲放松的绝佳之地。 白天,您可来此享用茶饮、咖啡或小吃,而到了晚上,则可品尝醇香佳酿或酒廊的特色鸡尾酒之一。
营业时间: 09:00 - 24:00

The Lounge is a great place to socialize and escape an afternoon, meeting for business, or hanging out with friends. By day you can enjoy tea, coffee and light snack; by night you can sample a vintage wine or one of the lounge’s specialty cocktails.
Location: 1F
Open Hours: 09:00 - 24:00

中国上海浦东南路2111号 邮编 200127 电话:(86 21) 5039 9999 传真:(86 21) 5039 5699
No.2111 Pudong South Road, Shanghai 200127, China Phone: (86 21) 5039 9999 Fax:(86 21) 5039 5699