中国元素餐厅  Five Sen5es Restaurant  
    中国元素餐厅 Five Sen5es Restaurant [ 全屏查看 Fullscreen View ]

清新时尚的中国元素餐厅以现代设计营造出适合商务午餐和雅致庆祝活动的完美氛围,是品尝中国传统美食的绝佳之地。精美的自然色调和中国图案与水晶吊灯完美搭配,更有落地窗提供迷人的城市美景。多处私人用餐空间适合私密小聚或团队聚餐。午餐或晚餐供应清新雅致的中式菜肴,从香味浓郁的粤式美食到反映地方特色烹饪传统的当地美食,可谓应有尽有。餐厅设有 10 个极具吸引力且面积各异的包房,最多可容纳 50 位客人。

Enjoy traditional Chinese cuisine with a fresh modern edge at Five Sen5es, where contemporary design sets the mood for sophisticated business lunches and tasteful celebrations. Refined natural hues and Chinese motifs are set off by a crystal chandelier and floor-to-ceiling windows providing captivating city views. Multiple private dining spaces can accommodate intimate or larger groups. Immerse yourself in fresh and artful Chinese cooking for lunch or dinner, from robust Cantonese fare to local cuisine reflection distinctive regional culinary traditions. Professional and social gatherings are easily hosted in 10 attractive and variously-sized private dining rooms to host up to 50 guests each.

山东省青岛市市南区香港中路8号   电话:(86) 0532-67771888  传真:(86) 0532-67771999
No.8 Hong Kong Middle Road, Shinan District, Qingdao, Shandong, P.R.China  Tel: (86) 0532-67771888  Fax:(86) 0532-67771999